From my perspective, I see myself as a voice for the wider community. I think @mcarver2000 here will attest that I regularly bring up issues posted on these forums to the attention of the devs - even going so far as posting links to key discussions on the CC forum for them to look at.
I am also one of the constant voices cautioning the more seasoned players on the Council that we always have to keep the more casual player in mind, no matter how challenging we personally would like the game to be - as is @mcarver2000 . While he was on the Council @drages and I had a couple of contretemps about this, because he is of the view that casuals are pandered to too much by SG.
As for OW, I have not brought up your concerns about it yet because I have not yet had the time to test it myself. If, once I’ve played it, I agree with the assessments in the thread you referred to, then I will definitely be raising it with the devs - but that’s the way I work within the Council. I champion the causes I personally believe in and think have merit. I don’t bring up every little complaint on these forums, because often I don’t agree with them.
However, I know that there are other people, not just on the Council, whose job is to monitor these forums and feedback a digest of the main issues being discussed to the devs.
As to our purpose on the CC. We’re a group of very experienced players who are asked to evaluate certain things within the game and discuss how they affect certain aspects of the gameplay experience. That discussion is ultimately synthesised (by us and by our moderator) and fed back to the devs, who then act on it as they see fit. Oft-times we don’t think they go far enough, but we only have one perspective and I believe the devs are often keeping their wider audience in mind.
That said, I believe they are coming to the realisation that not enough is being done to satisfy the less casual end of their market, and they are figuring out how to address that without alienating their core player-base (which I have to tell you is not us - most of us on these forums are an extreme minority at either end of a much broader spectrum of players).
So that’s what we do and that’s how I interpret my role on the Council. I’m there as a conduit and an advocate, but it’s not my job to champion every single little nitpick that people have with this game because people have hundreds and they are very often completely contradictory.
And before you say: “But how can I get OW looked at if you’re going to ignore me?” I’m just one of several ways I know the devs get feedback. To the best of my knowledge, the Monitors will be passing your concerns along. You can also post a request on Canny. TBH, I don’t even know if the main gripe people seem to have with OW atmo (that multiple squaddies go off in sequence) can be fixed - I certainly used to deal with this by creating a layered tier of OWs, so that Squaddie 1’s cone extended slightly further than Squaddie 2’s and so on. I also don’t know if the door issue you raised is fixable, since OW is triggered by perception - but like I say, until I’ve tested the new system I don’t feel qualified to argue for it on the Council cos I don’t know what I’m talking about.