Cannot find any Pandoran bases

I am close to pulling the trigger on the endgame. However, I was hoping to get all 3 factions’ final research options. But poor Synedrion is down to 2 bases and their moon rocket launch pad is 108+ days away. In the meantime I am getting base attacks at least every 24 hours while I wait… While I have the research to scan for Pandoran bases, I having trouble finding where to re-scan. My geoscape scan map is so green everywhere I can’t remember where I last scanned, or where the gaps may be in my scans.

The “green” scan markers should decay over time. Or the player should be able to selectively decay them. Early in the game all havens have the ability to reveal Pandoran bases if their haven attacks are successfully defended. Late in the game New Jericho seems to have new and improved satellites. The tool-tip for them say “A satellite upllink will double the influence range of the haven and detect Pandoran bases”. This begs a couple of questions:

  1. Why doesn’t a successful base defenses reveal Pandoran bases the same way a successful haven defenses does? Which is the case even early in the game.

  2. Why isn’t the research for New Jericho satellite uplinks shared if one is allied with them? At least let us upgrade our satellite uplinks to match their capability.