OK, Tritons are slightly OP for me. I am constantly getting nuked by 5-8 invisible snipers, while still having starting weapons (ergo, not able to kill them in one shot), while their shot takes 75% of my HP.
am I missing armour / weapon research option?
I only have standard stuff, did the mission got to a place where I can recruit new guys. Focusing making ammo, grenades and medpacks. All of my guys have at least 2 grenades, 1 med, and 2 or more ammo to assault rifle, change so my heavy carry a shotgun (Since cannon is broken at high ground.), all have a side arm. They are not so good, but they are annoying, since they cammo when hit, and have a smoke that stays for all of the fight. Grenades clear the smoke though. But those fights are no fun since they take forever. And mostly I have a line, with fall back plan. At night you cant use OV since our sight is half of the fishes.
The biggest issue is how powerful the sniper mutant is, they mash down 2 soldiers before I even spot them. But that’s fine, I don’t mind having losses, the problem is they are so damn hard to kill cause they go invisible. Look I don’t mind having a boss-like enemy, but Jesus Christ, I’ve had like 4-5 of them show up at the same time and wipe most of my team in one turn.
I’m not sure if it is intended or a bug, but soldiers again can hold up to 3 two-handed items in ready slots. Shouldn’t it be limited?
I don’t believe it’s a bug - the idea of the ready slots means items that you can crab quickly, as opposed to being in your inventory. So, you could have three strap slung weapons in ready slots. You inventory is more akin to rummaging in your bag, hence the action point cost.
Here is my feedback regarding the build. Lots of good stuff, but rather focus on what I think could be improved. I played on Standard, starting 2 games for about 16h.
- 2 starts and got 0 recruits offered (I did the research)
- Havens with over 10K ppl and no recruits?
- Way too small, run into many groups
- Too much clutter, cover everywhere, LoS too tricky, becomes boring
- Too dark sometimes
- Everyone has a lot of life, both enemies and our units, it slows the game down
- early humans come with 200 life and like 20 armor, that’s a LOT to go through with initial weapons
- Stays forever, rather than having a duration
- Apparently low AP cost, since mobs can move quite a bit and still “cloud”, or cloud and then still shoot you
- Spreads immediately and its 6 squares radius it seems, which is quite big (too big?)
- Very potent obscurement
- Each haven should have at least one recruit available
- Why not have resources be the limiting factor, rather than recruits?
- Maybe consider having 2 different types of recruits some general bland ones and some faction specific that would be rare?
- Please make the maps bigger and more open, sometimes it’s like fighting in a teenager’s room, it’s full of clutter everywhere. Slows down the game and makes LoS a nightmare
- I know you can stay back and blast stuff, but that is such a sterile way to play, which defeats the map design IMHO
- I would either decrease the enemies HP or increase weapon damage
- Mist is super OP at the moment and detracts from my enjoyment, "finding 5 Tritons that blanket a lot of the map in permanent smoke “for free” is not fun
- Consider making the ability to smoke cost more AP, so it’s not just an auto-use every time
- Consider making the smoke clear after a while or when you kill the origin unit
- Consider having a smaller radius, or have it increase/decrease over time
- Consider no WP penalty for the first turn inside smoke, or a smaller one perhaps
- Another option is having only a limited number of units with the smoke attachment, rather than all of them, that means the player can try to snipe that one
Sorry that was a bit long… oh, is it just me or is the cannon not that good?
Edit: Forgot to mention that combat seems very frequent, not sure if that is by design
Yeah, I think having the mist clear when you kill the originator is a good idea, as it gives the player an incentive to kill specific units, and gives the enemy an incentive to bring more than one mist-generator instead of just allowing one triton to spam mist all over the place.
I have a similar issue where I have found 10 havens and only one of them is offering a recruit. I don’t know if it is just bad random generation or what, but I did notice that the only one with recruits has a training center.
Mist might have a duration, pretty sure in BB4 it was supposed to, so perhaps the duration is just longer than the time it takes for you to kill the enemies? The enemies do seem to redo the mist each turn which would keep it around longer since the time resets. I think the mist might be a willpower cost vs an action point cost, which would explain why they can mist and still do move/shoot.
The only thing I’m finding annoying is the absoluteness of enemy stealth within the mist. It would be so bad if it cleared out in a couple turns, but it feels like it lasts forever, and hides them as long as your soldiers aren’t in it. It leads to the old xcom hunt the panicking alien syndrome.
I agree that mist spam is undermining the game for me. All the suggestions of limited duration, higher AP use, maybe a cooldown: all of those could be used to keep mistspam at bay while staying within the rest of the game mechanics.
You need to have good standing with those havens, like more than 10 with local leader. I had 2 recruits in 6 havens I have found. Just play event to fullfill their wishes and defend them and they will offer recruits even in smaller havens.
I suppose it is because of Backers Build 5. We have only 5 soldiers to begin with and no Technician or any other mean to heal body parts during the missions in this build. I suppose it is to decrease frustration that was in BB1 where you constantly get crippled arms and couldn’t shoot.
Use grenades and grenade launcher. Except they are deadly they also remove mist. When you will get fire based weapons also use them. Where is fire there can’t be mist. But I agree that mist should last only few turns like 2 or 3. I would not increase it’s cost in AP. It is their native skill which they use automatically. Decreasing range of effect would also decrease their options to hide. Well placed grenade would clear whole effect.
I agree that mist should be gone (slowly) when unit is not generating it anymore (because of being dead or changed position).
Personally I just throw a nade and kill two birds with one stone.
About HP. later, a single shot from triton takes 140HP so you really need that pool. if you can’t increase your HP in a different way.
about recruits. I don’t mind working with heavens to get recruit, but I got different request. Could we have a list of recruits on diplomacy tab to see WHERE we can get a class we need? I am tired of clicking on every single heaven to check if they finally got a heavy instead of sniper.
@Yokes I explored 5+ havens in each game, did the mission for them and had 12+ rep, still 0 recruits.
In my main game my 5 guys are all level 5, but still no 6th guy
OK, but maybe lower the aliens HP, I tried to attack a colony and the eggs have 160 HPs, then there are 8+ in a room, how will you clean that with 5 guys? The eggs should have 40-50 HPs, so there is an incentive to actually kill them. A grenade should do it. By all means increase that on hard difficulties, but I’m playing Standard… I shouldn’t have to shoot each egg at least twice to kill it.
Either that or the units that spawn should have very limited AP on first turn. At the moment they spawn and get a full turn, which is super oppressive.
Regarding mist, I know the grenades can clear it, but grenades cost money and I don’t think it’s fun to have to grenade everything to solve the issue, that’s not enjoyable for me, it becomes a chore, rather than enjoyment.
Eggs are different topic imho.
You are invading the nest, you expect to file A LOT of eggs. However they yould be extremely fragile. so a single grenade to the room should fix the problem but only if you find them before the hatch
From playthroughs I have seen players could recruit members via training centres. Perhaps those produce recruits at certain rate? Can PP build their own training centres?
I have +24 with both New Jericho and Disciples of Anu and neither of them are offering recruits anywhere. I have defended their havens multiple times. The one haven that is offering recruits is Synedrion and they started offering a recruit as soon as I did their first mission (other Synedrion havens haven’t offered recruits).
The only place that is giving me recruits is a haven with a training center. I thought that havens were supposed to provide recruits if they had a big enough population or quicker with a training center. But that means I should have at least seen a couple more havens offer at least one which leads me to believe that recruits are only showing up at havens with a training center.
ok now I understand your point
While I agree that eggs can have less HP, then remember that you can omit them. They only activate when you leave soldier near them. If you will run pass them they should stay inactive and you can forget about them. And if you really want to kill them, then one burst from Ares should be enough 30 damage * 6 = 180 overall damave vs 160 HP. So one assault with Ares can kill 2 eggs in one turn.
Magazines for rifles too. That is why I prefer to use grenades in such cases like with Tritons and mist.
One in Phoenix Base is just for passive increasing xp for soldiers in base. You need to use havens to recruit.
You can run past eggs? I never tried that… The idea that moving near them triggers and running past doesn’t is odd, to say the least. So far my experience with eggs is that once they “trigger”, they spawn a mob next turn that get’s a full turn. Which is really harsh, especially if you get “face-huggers”.
It’s impossible to kill 2 eggs with an Assault without spending 3 WP. Unless you assume that you started your turn close to both eggs and with clear LoS, so that you can hit all your 6 shots (1 miss and the egg is alive and triggered). The eggs are small and the Nest map is full of cover, so many eggs are hidden or partially obscured.
Also, killing eggs gives no WP back.
A Sniper vs eggs is just misery, 4 pistol shots or 1 Snipe +1 pistol
Just had an interesting experience. My sniper was grabbed by a face-huger and I decided to bash it out:
1 - First my heavy has a go, but I didn’t notice that when I selected bash he chose to reset target to my sniper, so the first bash hits my guy, does good damage and stuns him. My sniper then returns fire with his pistol, a hit! (despite being face-hugged and stunned)
2 - Then an assault has a go, this time bashing the alien. My sniper returns fire, another hit…
3 - OK alien still alive, assault bashes another time, queue return fire and hit
4 - How can this bugger still be alive, heavy has another go and I don’t think the sniper returned fire, because that was the end of the mission
So 4 bashes later, 1 to my own guy, 3 return fires, 3 hits, one face-huger did more damage than all the other aliens combined.
Strange. One bash should be enough to kill attached mindfragger/facehugger. But it is great to know that they pose a threat. I always kill them first as top priority enemy. And after they attach when there is other soldier nearby one bash is enough. If none is nearby then i try to shoot out little bugger.