I have to start by saying I’m sorry I backed this game. From the beginning we were told that it was made by the creator of the original x-com and at least my interpretation was always that it meant a game closer to the original x-com than firaxis XCOM. To me, the difference can be summorized in this sentence: x-com was a strategic game with some tactical gameplay, while XCOM was a tactical game with some strategic gameplay. At least I always felt the strategic part of the original x-com was the fun part: where do I build my next base? Whats needed to intercept this ufo? How do I get money to build my next gen interceptor?
So I backed this game to get about the tactical battles of XCOM, but with the strategy game of the original x-com. Now that would have been a game!
I imagined a starting haven with a few thousand people and from them I would have to recruit researchers, engineers, farmers, scavangers and soldiers, and make do with what I have. Where searching for new havens and other PP bases was hard and challenging, not to go to a grey circle and press explore. To grow food, mine iron, not research X and get 500 blue resource. Why? Why did I get those resources from that research? Noone knows!
So, I got a tactical game with lackluster strategic layer. A XCOM 2 clone instead of a x-com clone. Its not what I wanted. Its not what I expected. Its not something Im going to play.
And then, lastly, all the talk about Lovecraft. I imagined dark maps, with little visual range where, like the original x-com, monster appear suddenly out of the dark and a soldier dies. You fight for survival, and loses soldiers in the process. But no. Bright, sunny maps, where you at all times see almost all enemies. Its more about point and shoot, than slowly advancing through a horryfying, dark map, always worrying about what to find.
Now, some maps have a bit of this. But not nearly enough. In x-com almost all maps were like this.
So. I’m sorry I backed this. Probably wont even play to the finish once. Maybe I’ll be back to PP2. We’ll see.