My thoughts on backer build one

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Music is perfect. I like how it reacts on the battlefield situations, changing its pace fluently. And by saying fluently I really mean it: many games tried to have dynamic soundtracks and many failed on that matter. It’s not an easy thing to do because dynamic music tends to be tedious fast. This is not happening in PP. My ears are not “attacked” by weird, stirred noises - because there are no such ones.I like dynamic alien music from pre-alpha, as much as atmospheric one: latter is simple enough to not be distractful and at the same time is interesting enough to not go unnoticeable. It perfectly blends in, fitting to the theme and providing chills:-)
There are not so many repetitions, too, so music feels fresh every time.

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+1 willpower for one that returns all corpses, -1 for one that leave comrades behind.

With I like list, one must fully agree.

With uncertain things: MAPS could really be more complex and varied (hope next beta will fix this)

Crates are very stupid placeholder, it would be far better if we had more ammo on ourselves, and could somewhat replenish it from killed alliens (like it was once one in XCom had alien weapons). Looting corpses and reward for a kill. Not a crate run and squad disasters just for running out of scarce ammo.

RETURN FIRE should be kept but somewhat more logic. Instead of all fireing to shooter, only those who see him or a somewhat bound to defend should respond. And it shouldnt be so free, it should cost less but in AP or WP.

BOSSESS are great we just need them mid powerfull and more then a queen (hope next release could fix this)

SPECIFIC BODY PARTS - Now one can heal and is a great add on to mechanics. I sometimes wonder how soldiers function with HEAD DISABLED. That should be instant death :slight_smile:

WAY ALIEN APPEARS should be reworked. They tend to come from already explored directions. Also finding lost alien was nicely solved in newer XCom that it at least indicates by sound where he is.

LONG SHOOT RANGE is nice, as long as you have fat penalty on long distance fire.

INVENTORY needs fast rework and easy way to throw or give an item to fellow soldier.

UI WHEN SHOOTING: I would like better clear understanding of how much armor must be first penetrated and will shot get past beyond it, and clear indicator of GRANTED and POSSIBLE damage. Some of translations (like granade used to be in backer build one) arent good enough.

Soldiers coild fly with some equipement and yes, more shooting types.

CONE OF VIEW with some strange camera views and messages “NOT ENOUGH SPACE TO THROW GRANDE/SHOOT” are possibilities of bad positions, but should be better presented to player.

A great round up!