Lairs are a boresome slog, needs reinforcements either removed or curbed

i just wait for them to turn into citadels, because they are so much easier to deal with)

Yeah but the Priest and Archon with poison trick is very basic, for citadels I’d say you need a strong firepower, it’s different with lairs. Moreover destroy one lair is one goal of the game.

Frankly, Lairs are the only thing that make me rage quit this game. They’re too long and too hard to make them the mid-level Panda base. I like a challenge, I really do, but Lairs feel like the final mission of XCOM2 with absolutely no reward at the end of them.

Lairs are boring and too long. You must kill dozens of enemies. It takes too long. Never Ending…

The game is fine on Legend difficulty. If people are having too much trouble with Lairs on the other difficulties fine, change it. But not on Legend difficulty, I would be highly disappointed to see these things become easier. They’re actually one of the more fun challenges in the game. Haven raids being exploit-level of easiness, Nests also being fun but faster, Haven defenses being a bit boring since most enemies ignore you making it easier and same goes for Scavenging (minus the fact you want those resources, but late in the game this isn’t effective), and Story missions are almost 100% predictable to the point I use the exact same strategies on them each and every time, regardless of enemy composition, because the map’s are so simple.

Basically, all I have are Lairs and Nests.

Just please don’t make Legend difficulty easier, and if anything, make everything but Lairs/Nests more difficult/interesting mechanically instead of just “kill all enemies” and maybe more “protect # of facilities/civilians”, etc. I like the design of endless enemy waves, and want to see more things like this. They’re far more interesting than just winning by elimination. Sorry everyone, but I disagree with you.

And no you must not. It’s possible to get through with killing less than a dozen enemies, I’ve done it at least twice. Once with an all-heavy Jump Jet team (only 4 of them), and another with just two Jump Jets + 6 other soldiers. Ended in about 8 turns or so, most of the enemy team was ignored/avoided/disabled. No I didn’t cheat. No I didn’t save scum. I even ran to the wrong corner first in both examples.

I bet you never get some Bombard Chiron at extreme sides of the map with no los.

I think some players like you still admit the generation can be awfully weird. Moreover if they are not that weird it’s because because players leaned identify where is the target, not searching randomly throughout the map.

I don’t see what’s wrong in Haen defense, too easy for you fine, they can be more difficult. Lairs without bombard Chiron and before I knew where search target can be a long long endurance test, it’s not difficult only very long so ok difficult but just because long with a spawning to manipulate.

Where I got Scylla, 4 Sirens, 2 bombard Chiron, a handfull of AR 50 crabs and some Triton (no sniper I think) in Haven defense not Lair. Where I got a pack of snipers, Haven defense, not lair.

A current problem, perhaps changed with last patch is a part of late scaling up is shrinking down maps size, particularly for Haven, that hurts Have, defense later game, but this can be fixed.

Currently Legend difficulty is no legend because of the auto scaling. The only Legend would be a play, at the point that the game should provide auto scaling score of the campaign (like an average). But dev will probably end to target it.

Yeah I have, it killed my entire team once. I don’t care. I won’t whine about that. It was on a 27-4 Haven Defense, first time. Didn’t know what to expect. Got slaughtered. Hasn’t happened again. (I don’t do those now unless I have a really good team in the area - they’re not necessary to do, so if I can’t, I don’t, and it falls. It’s part of the game, its’ working as intended. It’s fine.)

You don’t have to win everything. That’s not how this game works. It’s fine. (Most games work to cater to the mindset that you’re a 100% winner, but come on, why does anyone enjoy that?)


Your problem, it’s still crap design.

Right back at you.

Sure and you play an easy game with that many death, and you brag after that, sigh.

If you call Legend, easy. Sure. It’s never been a problem for me. Losing soldiers =/= losing the game.

I play Legendary FYI. It’s not even as hard than XCOM2 Veteran, but I don’t perform that well, auto scaling is here.

I wonder why it get crazy like that, ok keep lair obviously but there’s a lot to tune in their design.

Seems like one way to redesign lairs would be to have waves of Pandas activated depending on your movement through the lair. That way you could curb reinforcement issues and strategize about taking certain pathways.

Lairs aren’t that difficult if you have jetpacks, it’s just that once you’ve done them a few times, they’re mostly boring. I think lairs should be made into citadels and the current citadels should be swapped into lairs. I also think the lair map generator is really good. I think the lair terrain is very interesting and presents lots of tactical challenges.

Remind me a RPG shooter quite fun, but it’s action game, totally based on flows with variations, a lot of fun. Eye Divine Cybermancy.

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I can understand your wish to leave endless waves of Pandorans in the game and hell they could just make that an option for the hard core or only have it on the highest difficulty as you say.

That said for my money I disagree and find it cheesy that there is no end after a while to the spawns.

Your other ideas about protect more X and more mission variance I very much concur with however.

To each their own.

In fact currently you can already control the flow, put a soldier near (on?) a spawn point stop spawn from here. You can also use a controlled alien for that. Control the alien, stop the flow, continue. Yeah yeah it’s a bit weird, they guard a passage, so stop entrance?

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Interesting Mechanic that didn’t know that at all as I’ve never tried. I’d prefer they did not show where the Baddies spawn overall but it’s a minor preference it just doesn’t feel as immersive as the warning flares of Advent from Firaxcom as an elegant style or solution.

This is pure lame exploit in my opinion, the justification is consider Lairs can turn awful design with procedural generation. At this point if you can skip Lair (no global timer problems, and not when you have a quest goal to destroy a lair - not sure do it for a Citadel works, Lair for Nest works) just wait Citadel instead.

EDIT: That said without control of enemy, it’s much less an exploit, it could be a part of strategy not well pictured by the game, block en entry path by guarding it to manage further progression.