Hi Guys! I have developed a strange hate & love relationship with Phoenix Point and want to submit some bugs i have found very disturbing.
1.) Savegames are often not loadable on certain mission (espacially with Anu Defend Scenarios)
An issue which pisses me off because i lost a lot of tim
After this error occurs and u try to load another savegame the game will go in an infinite load screen. Only way to fix it is Alt + F4 and relaunch (and dont touch the damaged savegame(s))
2.) The Game likes to think very long when you remove a Mindfragger with the Technican ability or isnt responding anymore.
3.) Some tooltips overlap important information in the characters / Trainings section in the 3rd row of the character abilities.
4.) German localization is not complete and sometimes text is in english.
5.) Scylla queens still spawn Mindfraggers even if you destroy the abdomen (worked before patch).
- Some missions are straight out impossible espacially if you defend havens with key structures of civilians. Sometimes 5 Mobs spawn right next to your mission objectives and kill it very fast.
Same goes for crates who cant take a lot of damage. Very annoying.
A lot of “small things” hinder this game to be at the top and even outlast XCOM 2 War of the Choosen.
I hope you will invest some good time in fixing the zillion small bugs.
With regards