Doesn’t change the fact that a game that promised to be about saving humanity from a non human threat is mostly about humans wiping each other out.
I am in good standing with all factions without ever raiding a single one. You don’t have to.
Doesn’t change the fact that a game that promised to be about saving humanity from a non human threat is mostly about humans wiping each other out.
I am in good standing with all factions without ever raiding a single one. You don’t have to.
Girshin, it is impossible to not play the game without the factions present. I don’t want them, the way they are, in my game period. So the only option was to uninstall and move on. Which I did.
The thread here was to give it as feedback to the devs: that they created an interaction between gameplay and story, that can alienate and turn away players who are interested in the story and background and look to be invested in that.
Obviously people who focus on the small units tactics aspect and do not care much about the story, will have no issue.
But they did get two good writers on the team to create a setting and story which talks about ethics, so it is a let down that the gameplay then ruins the subject the writers spend so much effort on.
Very well said! When I first started playing and total war broke out I was at a loss at how to proceed at first… it felt ridiculous to defend humans from Pandorans when the bigger threat was humanity wiping itself out - quite ironic (and off-putting). I would love to see the entire diplomacy layer of the game reworked to where total war is possible but only after a significant number of missteps and not just because someone made a public speech with a different point of view. The rate at which things go bad is quite ridiculous. There should be an option to solve problems diplomatically and to have the factions become more positive towards one another. I don’t think I ever saw a single case where relations between factions ever improved - that seems just crazy. Why wouldn’t New Jericho appreciate Mist Repellant technology being developed by Synedrion for instance?
I had one haven event at an Anu haven. It had taken in refugees from a neutral haven and needed help taking care of them, partly because the Anu priests refused to help unbelievers.
Options were to just give resources, to give resources and insist on religious freedom, to ignore the event, or to ask Synedrion for help. Asking Synedrion for help got the two factions to cooperate on assisting the refugees, getting both to improve their relationship with me +3 and also between each other. Though +3 means little if it is once, while they deteriorate constantly.
That does give hope they’re intending to build a fully faction system, where you can broker peace. It’d be fun to broker peace by intimidation. “Be nice, or Santa is going going to show you what happens to bad little boys!”
But I ca n’t respond “targetedly” to war crimes between these forces.
I doubt it.
Phoenix Point completely relies on AI that has been updated for a long time for scientific research. It can still accelerate the research speed of all major forces, and it can “cross-combine” the technology of major forces
I prefer the “tech tree system is not done yet”
I considered Synedrion to be the middle way between NJ purity and Anu mutation. I thought that meant that you could affect Synedrion’s attitude one way or another and at least save 2 out of the three factions. I was wrong, but I hope that gets added to a future patch/DLC because it seems the foundation is there.
I can’t believe this game was developed by the same people who wrote the lore…
It wasn’t. The writers probably sent in all the text from home, but had no knowledge of what the comp people then did.
That would explain a lot.
Totally agree! It perhaps should be difficult to keep the peace, but it should be at least possible to keep them from committing genocide. Allowing havens to change ownership rather than be wiped out would go a long way toward my enjoyment of the game.
Be able to help a faction take control of a haven without mass murdering would be great. It seems more like something Synedrion would do.
I don’t think I mind if, in game, humanity is trying to wipe each other out. IMHO it feels like a true reflection of what humanity would do.
I think I have more of a problem with the fact that the game has only 3 factions present, and that those factions are so intermingled with each other. I’d rather see a situation where a lot more factions were present, had their own territories across the globe, and had the capacity to form multiple alliances and opposition to each other, the current setup is a bit too simple.
I heard in backer builds that there were more independent havens. That would make sense and could make the world feel more fractured. I’m guessing they changed it because people were having issues finding the three factions which would have made it more difficult to get started with diplomacy and thus research. For people who are particular to one faction or another it probably would be a bit upsetting.
Still, I kinda wish they would decrease the faction specific havens and do the following:
I’m guessing that #2 doesn’t exist because they track the haven based on faction and so any tactical battles at that haven would suddenly change to a different style which might be jarring for some folks. I’d rather have that currently than just destroying the haven. A future improvement that defines each part of the haven’s sector separately from the faction could then be implemented (i.e. Anu took over a NJ haven, they rebuild the energy sector to be Anu style but the residential area is still NJ).
There were.
They didn’t really do much of anything tbh.
Maybe a little, but the other factions were still all over the place.
I recall in the earliest backer build that actually included the Geoscope and faction bases that if you had any of a particular faction near you was random luck, I went forever seeing only NJ across countless starts.
Though they could have more directly addressed that issue without dialling back neutral havens (Or are they removed, as I’ve yet to see a single one now?) by doing what it seems they do now and have part of the initial generation algorithm ensure there is at least 1 base for each faction within scan radius of your first Phoenix Base.
Personally I would have liked to see something like the initial generation algorithm places one haven of each faction a certain distance away from each other in a area around the initial Phoenix Base, then use those placements as source points for branching out more havens of that faction a further distance away from the first Phoenix Base (Edit for clarity: But using the location of the last base of that faction as a anchor point to determine a zone radius) , and repeat that a set number of times increasing the distance range with each iteration along with a sanity check to make sure it wasn’t within a preset distance of any other factions haven. That way we’d more likely to have something that reflected a kind of ‘faction territory’ but from a process that could be executed on a new game start relatively quickly, instead of random havens plonked about the place which seems to be the case now.
I’d also have liked to see neutral havens more about the place, perhaps handle them in a way that when searching nodes in the actual game have some side check if that node is a certain distance away from a placed faction haven, if so allow that node a chance to reveal a neutral haven.
On the subject of faction warfare is genocide, I personally see it as more the faction base was the only thing keeping the population within safe from the outside world. When the base falls or is rendered exposed to outside influences, then the general population can’t survive.
Perhaps a few survive and scatter out into the wilderness looking for another haven… would explain some of the people you come across in random events.
Girshin, it is impossible to not play the game without the factions present. I don’t want them, the way they are, in my game period.
That’s a bit childish … its not your game lol
Please mark this with a Spoiler Alert.
While I agree with you wholeheartedly, it’s somewhat annoying to learn it in a post without any warning, rather than discovering it for myself.