Hey guys! I know in a previous interview that Julian said there would be a UFOpedia equivalent in Phoenix Point, just as in the original X-COMs. However, I was thinking: After you beat the game once, could you unlock an “amalgamated UFOpedia” containing all of the various alien parts/bases, weapons, techs, and other entries you’ve unlocked so far, and it would persist throughout multiple playthroughs and expand as you make a second, third, etc. playthrough and get the techs and/or see the enemy mutations you didn’t catch the first time around?
The reason I ask is that in the original XCOM, you could theoretically research/unlock every single UFOpedia entry in a single playthrough, since all the aliens would be the same on every game you played, there were no limits to the technology you could research, and so on. However, in Phoenix Point, it seems to me like we won’t be able to do the same in a single playthrough. Getting all the technologies from one faction would make it almost impossible to get all of them from another faction, there are lore related bonus notes, letters, etc. that Allen and Jonas are writing, and there seem to be so many different alien parts and mutations that the vast majority of them wouldn’t show up on one playthrough of the game. So I thought it would be cool to have the UFOpedia be “persistent” across playthroughs so the player has an idea of how much of the game’s content they’ve encountered. Each individual playthrough would have its own limited UFOpedia, of course, so that new games would remain challenging, but at the main menu screen after beating the game once you could see the “Total UFOpedia” of all the things you’ve unlocked in all your playthroughs
This also has the benefit of opening possibilities for Steam/Xbawkz achievements! Here are my suggestions:
Xenobiologist: Unlock every alien part and creature type in the UFOpedia.
Resurrection of the Dead God: Unlock every Anu entry in the UFOpedia.
I Love The Smell of Napalm in the Morning: Unlock every New Jericho entry in the UFOpedia.
Technological Ascendancy: Unlock every Synedrion entry in the UFOpedia.
Rise from the Ashes: Unlock every Phoenix Project tech/entry in the UFOpedia.
Loremaster: Unlock every letter/journal entry/other lore-related bonus in the UFOpedia.
Phoenix Command: Completely fill out the UFOpedia!
What do you guys think?