As an example: I would really like to see penguins, in the game–Scary ones!
Mah, there goes my childhood, especially with later imagined penguin mutations. Bugs bunnys best polar friend has turned to a monster. Just like Marshmallow man gone evil in first Ghostbusters >:slight_smile:
It seems most of creatures have already been planned, and some ways of mutations are already defined.
What is likely to be, seems to be summarized here List of aliens that we know might be in the final game - #4 by rasvoja but currently seems more to be fan made based on avail info, then something definite.
Mutations currently seem to be limited to variations within specie in terms of look and wepons, but not that grandiouse as “Resident evil virus turning it to something else” e.g. crab man
mutations that we know so far and have been hinted at:( pincer(melee attack) ,grenade launcher(ranged attack), gun(attack), shield(self caring cover), acid spitter head(attack), harden carapace(armor), spike legges(I think it affects their mobility).